Saturday 24 September 2016


We can all have negative thoughts.  Whether we choose to believe them or not will impact on how we feel about ourselves.

Choose your thoughts well.

  • Negative thoughts can be a learned belief and therefore they need to be unlearnt
  •  The more energy you give to negative thoughts the more powerful they become
  • Conversely the more energy you give to positive thoughts the more powerful they become
  • Challenge any negative thoughts as soon as they appear and replace them with a positive thought
  • Make a list of positive statements that you can repeat to yourself on a regular basis e.g. 10-20 times a day!  Does that sound too much?
  • If it does sound too much, think about how many times you talk negatively about yourself - it is likely to be much more than 20 times a day
  • It may feel alien at first to repeat positive statements about yourself however, persistence is important.  It is possible with conscious effort to change out thoughts


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