Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Abuse - Article 5 - Preventing Abuse

How trustworthy are care facilities? While care professionals tend to be outstanding, self-sacrificing, hard-working and compassionate, even one careless moment can quickly snowball into elder abuse. 

Watch this true story. 

First published on YouTube August 23, 2012 - This is the video that is causing shock and outrage. An elderly woman struggles to stand, her caregiver not attending to her needs. She falls hard to the ground - an incident that isn't supposed to happen in a "good" nursing home.

Though this occurred in the USA, it happens here in the UK and is only publicised when people speak up (or Panorama are videoing).  This is the kind of abuse that The Edith Ellen Foundation is trying to eradicate in the UK, through the promotion of Kindness and Compassion in Care and by delivering comprehensive Training.

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