Saturday, 24 September 2016

Actor Seth Rogen Opening Statement before a Senate hearing on Alzheimer's Research

Such a powerful and inspiring speech by the Actor and funny man Seth Rogen, discussing Alzheimer's.  Watch his heartfelt address on financing care for sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease.

As you watch you will notice the near empty room and those getting up and leaving which I find indicative of a mentality that we find so frustrating. It seems like these people don't care.

The cause, Rogen pointed out, is close to his heart because his mother-in-law, Adele Miller, was diagnosed with the disease relatively early on. He detailed how the illness changed her, and slowly took away her ability to care for herself. He argued in support of legislation that would increase federal funding for Alzheimer's disease care and research. He also cracked a few jokes.

"This has nothing to do with the legalization of marijuana".

"In fact, if you can believe it, this concerns something that I find even more important."

You can support Seth Rogen's charity Hilarity for Charity here

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