Thursday, 12 October 2017

Holistic Approach to Dementia Care

The Edith Ellen Foundation has built its vision and reputation on the Holistic Care Approach, this is Care which is focussed on meeting the needs and aspirations of those who use Care Services.

holisttic care

It is care which promotes dignity, respect, maintains human rights and is integrated.  Holistic Care is the importance of good quality care services.

However, there is currently unacceptable variation in the quality of formal care provided to people with dementia.  We all tend to overlook good care or we approach it with caution and disbelief because the bad care headlines take centre stage.

Ensuring people with dementia receive high quality care, provided by trained staff, is essential to meeting the challenge of dementia.

Inadequate or poor care reduces
o   quality of life,
o   leads to higher overall care costs through early admissions to care homes
o   and avoidable admissions to hospital
o   and impacts on the physical and mental health of carers.

Care for people with dementia is poor.  The CQC has found that that the quality of care for people with dementia is variable in care homes and hospitals, people with dementia are likely to experience poor care and this has a negative impact on their health and wellbeing.

We forget - just how our good nurses and care workers are when they understand what it takes to motivate and see improvements in people's health and wellbeing.

A more caring approach is not only rewarding for the people receiving care but those delivering it as well.

Please get behind the Edith Ellen Foundation and support us.

Soon we will be posting news on the very important project we are undertaking with some very special partnerships to start changing the whole approach to caring. It will provide consistency in care and a standard that everyone can embrace to understand people's feelings and needs when they need kindness and support not the straight jacket of care.

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